Law also raises important and complex issues concerning equality, fairness, and justice. October 24, 2022 • CA voters are expected to approve a constitutional amendment on abortion rights. But critics say it would actually expand abortion rights, because the amendment ignores the concept of fetal viability. October 25, 2022 • Lawyers and health experts, as well as incarcerated and formerly incarcerated individuals, say getting gender-affirming care in prison often comes only after threats of lawsuits or a full legal fight.

  • For most European countries the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg can overrule national law, when EU law is relevant.
  • In the United States, this authority is the Supreme Court; in Australia, the High Court; in the UK, the Supreme Court; in Germany, the Bundesverfassungsgericht; and in France, the Cour de Cassation.
  • The focus of the conversation on October 28 is “Legal Aspects of China’s 20th Party Congress.” Ling Li , Mark Sidel , Holly Snape , and Taisu Zhang will join host Neysun Mahboubi to discuss what this consequential meeting portends for Chinese law.
  • He earned his Bachelor of Law from Universitas Indonesia, Master of Law from Europa Institut Universitaat Saarlandes Germany, doctoral degree in Law from Europa Institut Universitaat Saarlandes Germany.

Private and Commercial Law UNSW School of Private and Commercial Law is home to world-leading experts in the areas of law that govern our commercial dealings with and obligations to each other. October 26, 2022 • The 40-page class-action lawsuit alleges the state’s law enforcement agency has a history of engaging in systemic discrimination against its officers of color. Doctor of Juridical Science Take the first step toward shaping the future.

Common law and equity

Ministers or other officials head a country’s public offices, such as a foreign ministry or defence ministry. The election of a different executive is therefore capable of revolutionising an entire country’s approach to government. The history of Law News links closely to the development of civilization. Ancient Egyptian law, dating as far back as 3000 BC, was based on the concept of Ma’at and characterised by tradition, rhetorical speech, social equality and impartiality. By the 22nd century BC, the ancient Sumerian ruler Ur-Nammu had formulated the first law code, which consisted of casuistic statements (“if … then …”). Around 1760 BC, King Hammurabi further developed Babylonian law, by codifying and inscribing it in stone.

‘Positive’, ‘Cheat’, and 7 Other Words from Law

Law, the discipline and profession concerned with the customs, practices, and rules of conduct of a community that are recognized as binding by the community. Enforcement of the body of rules is through a controlling authority. Space law is a relatively new field dealing with aspects of international law regarding human activities in Earth orbit and outer space. While at first addressing space relations of countries via treaties, increasingly it is addressing areas such as space commercialisation, property, liability, and other issues.

At first, equity was often criticised as erratic, that it varied according to the length of the Chancellor’s foot. Over time, courts of equity developed solid principles, especially under Lord Eldon. In the 19th century in England, and in 1937 in the U.S., the two systems were merged.

Professor Jiang is a scholar of the regulation of financial technology, generally known as FinTech, and of law and technology more broadly. She studies how new technologies have outpaced regulation and legal doctrine, including various ways new technologies challenge existing conceptions of law and regulation. Master of Comparative Law Strengthen your existing law credentials.

It also forms the basis for the law codes of most countries of continental Europe and has played an important role in the creation of the idea of a common European culture (Stein, Roman Law in European History, 2, 104–107). Banking law and financial regulation set minimum standards on the amounts of capital banks must hold, and rules about best practice for investment. This is to insure against the risk of economic crises, such as the Wall Street Crash of 1929. Civil procedure and criminal procedure concern the rules that courts must follow as a trial and appeals proceed.