Business and Integration go hand in hand
In order to maintain the company’s position competitive in the market, it is essential for a company to have a close adjustment between its business operation and IT as well as social systems. Adding the business value to your enterprise by the integration is the most effective way for IT. Capital and resources have been fagged by most of the companies for developing solution that solve the problem of individual business for the many years. Integration makes any business more profitable, more competitive, and more efficient.
The meaning of Business and Integration is integration of application, data and processes within a company or amongst a set of companies. We are going to discuss about the challenge of this task here.
You are always required to keep building a portal to a Business application for your customers. Probably you have to provide access to many major business applications and data spread throughout all your business and you will also need to add your trading partner’s application to the portal as well. For instance let’s say you have 20 business unit and many of the trading partners then it is essential for your business to be available 24 hours a day on the Web.
Now we will discuss the forces, which drive the integration of applications between enterprises and its difficulties too.
First have a look at the business and integration between enterprises.
Enterprises have become powerful enough to facilitate service integration enabling to be linked in manually beneficial areas because of technology. For example, if there is an automobile manufacturer and if it sets up integrated process with tire supplier, and if the stock of the tires comes down then the supplier is notified. So there is one thing, which is known i.e. economic necessity that drives the business and integration between enterprises.
So if your business is having a closet ties up amongst the corporation then you would require less time to get your work done. It reduces the administration cost and the time between deliveries is also improved. But there is always a different in history of different enterprises and also coded their applications in different languages using different protocols on the different platforms.
And there will always be a security risk in working with other firms.
Now the Integration between business units.